The 2 Missing Poems: Missing You party and The Casual Night Occasion

Hi everyone!

I have not been blogging for a week. The reason is, I was off for Christmas vacation. So it was nice to taking a break from blog, and spend the time with my sister-in-law's friendly family.  Okay, here are the two missing new poems of this opening new year, and today two newest poems. But today two newest poems will be on the next blog post for late tonight.

January 1, 2016-Missing You party

Dear King Lion,

Happy 2016!

Today is a *Missing You party
It’s friendly and boring
Cos we don’t hang out that much and all of us are not the same as a language
so this is called language issues

*Missing You party is about missing family and finally reunited

January 2, 2016-The Casual Night Occasion

Dear King Lion,

Tonight was a casual night occasion for my bro.
The dessert was a flan with whip cream. An early “Happy
Birthday” to him.

Live Loi xx
