
"Love is everywhere"-Sketch Diary 14-1/26/16

Keep walking-Sketch Diary 13-1/25/16

One-Sketch Diary 12-1/24/16

The Superdog-Sketch Diary 11-1/20/16

The Black Pant-Sketch Diary 10-1/16/16

The Rainbow in the Country-Sketch Diary 9-1/10/16

I'm So Laughin'-Sketch Diary 8-1/8/16

The New Poetic Album "The Promised Land"-Sketch Diary-1/7/16

I'm Hungry, and I'm Drinkin'-Sketch Diary 5 and 6-1/5-6/16

2 Newest Poems: I Had a Nice Christmas Vacation and I'm Home But I'm Seeing My Therapist Today

The 2 Missing Poems: Missing You party and The Casual Night Occasion